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Very Easy Ways to Improve a Student's Writing in All the School Subjects

A few EASY things to do to Improve most Student's Reading in All the School Subjects

Proven Ways to Improve a Student's Study and Test Taking Skills

The Five Paragraph Essay
The most important writing structure
junior, and senior high.
You'd be surprised how many kids can't do this.

What the student can lean from it:

What is the writing assignment/question?
Brainstorm ideas
 outline, connecting the ideas into the essay. Structure: A good title. thesis, support, conclusion how to write and re-writes and more

Question to ask you Child

Can you explain what an outline is? Show me an example – Outline your morning, or 

How do you go about organizing and writing a paragraph? A 5 paragraph essay? A large report?

If they don’t know it, this talk will be very valuable for you to be able help them write better 

Even if they seem to know it, it will be helpful for you to come to this talk and review the principles with them

I share my secrets for helping studen

